Thursday, December 12, 2013

Blog Eight

In the blog Going Green? Written by Savanna Williams, she talks about how Austin’s drought has gotten better due to the recent weather we’ve been having. But that’s no excuse for us to waste water through our sprinkler systems in areas like dog parks and walking trails. Austinites do enjoy there outdoorsy life style, but there will be a price to pay if our resources are dried up. Ms. Williams puts blame in the rightful place on our local government because they should rethink the sprinkler system. As more than half the water goes into the streets.

            Ms. Williams’s blog is well detailed with examples of what she seen about this problem and what leaders should do about it. The second half of her blog explains how there’s only one place to recycle/ compost in a huge shopping area where she’s employed. She try’s not to imagine other shopping areas where there’s no recycle bin or compost station at all. I agree and I can imagine for her, that’s there’s TONS of places in Austin where plastics bottle and aluminum cans are being wasted. For example even some places small like the park by my job near 183. It’s a very popular park where many people are in and out daily. And it’s sad to see the trash cans are overflowing with bottles, cans, plastic and other garbage that can be easily recycled.  Local leaders say it may take time and money to implement plans to go green.

            I do agree with Ms. Williams about this blog and how we need to take a serious look in how we treat our environment. After all this is a great city like she mentioned and I as well am glad to be born and raised in it.

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