Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blog 4. Shaking my head at this joke.

On October 6,2013 Genevieve Cato of the Burnt Orange Report  wrote an article about a sign outside of an Austinbar that was offensive. “I like my beer like I like my violence: Domestic” Bar sign shocks patrons. Her article evaluates the sign and the views of the establishment. The title of her article can strike a huge audience once people have read it. Not to mention it’s also a sign viewable to the public. For those who have read it and care about the issue at hand would have been anything less than outraged.  The author is very genuine. She is speaking on the manner completely opposing it. Her argument is extremely sufficient so to say.  She argues it’s inappropriate and shocking under the circumstances. She gives facts about Domestic violence to prove it is no laughing matter. In 2011, 102 women in Texas died as a result or intimate partner violence. One in four women will experience domestic violence, and one third of reported female homicides are the result of intimate partner violence. Over 1600 calls were received from Texans by the National Domestic Violence Hotline, and Texas ranks second in number or calls made to this important service. This is clearly nothing to make fun of. People don’t tolerate this kind of joke. The manager of the Bar couldn’t agree more. Once he found out about the sign and started receiving complaints, the next day every dollar spent on beer will go towards the NCAVC in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It turns out the person who wrote the sign is no longer employed and that Bar. His joke or statement about domestic violence has no place in our society. I agree with the author completely, her argument is well spoken and supports it with facts.

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